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How to Disaster

Sep 27, 2021

“Let the timing flow, be open to finding your space. There is a room for everyone and a need for everyone to participate. We're at a critical point in human evolution where we don't have the luxury of waiting for everyone else to solve the problems. We have to do this together.” -

Sep 20, 2021

“Fire never has enough. It has an insatiable appetite.” -Gary Jones 


Episode Description: 

“911 showed up six days later”, says Gary Jones, a Woolsey Fire survivor. During a fire, you are on your own for days. So one of the biggest decisions we can make during a fire is to heed warnings immediately. On...

Sep 13, 2021

“We have much worse wildfires due to everything that climate change has caused. We need to have a forward-thinking conversation, not a reactionary one.” -Wendy Nystrom


Episode Description: 

We are living in a major historical event- climate change. And the best mechanism we have to combat this is community. By...

Sep 6, 2021

“A fundamental principle of innovation is that if you want more diversity of ideas and possibilities, you need to have more diverse brains in the room. That's not a diminishment of anyone. In fact, that's an elevation of everyone.”  -Amy Simpkins


Episode Description: 

Electricity is probably one of the most...