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How to Disaster

Apr 26, 2021

SERIES: Role of Mass Media

“If we are in a position to be able to save lives, let's make sure we are adamantly prepared to do that.” -Pat Kerrigan


Episode Description: 

If you are sitting in a broadcasting studio with phones ringing non-stop, what would you do? KSRO News Director, Pat Kerrigan spent 24 days...

Apr 19, 2021

SERIES: Role of the Community Leader


“Don't expect to go through it yourself. People will want to help, ask for it. And then when you get through your disaster, pay it forward.” -Margie Foster


Episode Description: 

Discover how emergent leaders are made way before a disaster even strikes! This week, Jennifer and...

Apr 12, 2021

SERIES: Role of the Public Sector


 “Resiliency defines this idea of not just being able to get hit and get back up, but … how we rise up and build better systems out of what we're dealing with and how we make sure that we own our place in the future.”  -James Gore


Episode Description: 


Disasters breed...

Apr 5, 2021

SERIES: Role of the Private Sector


“The determination of the neighborhood symbolize the character of the community that it got done.” -Gerardo Castillo


Episode Description: 

When disaster strikes, people thirst for guidance. Where does recovery even begin? This week, Jennifer interviews Gerardo Castillo, the...