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How to Disaster

Mar 29, 2021

SERIES: Role of the Community


Episode Description: 

“You can't hurry a longer process that is thoughtful in strategy. It needs to be done the way that it's done.” - Jenna Murray-Johnson


In times of disaster, the most effective leaders can emerge unexpectedly. How can someone build efficiency in a chaotic...

Mar 22, 2021

“If there's no help coming, then you better act because what's lost is hope.” -Mark Martin Bras


“That gives people hope to know that there's a plan, to know that there are other people they can count on during that time. And that leads to sustainability too.” -Kelly Thompson


Episode Description: 


Mar 8, 2021

 "I couldn't keep up with myself. It was like my best problem I've ever had!" -Peter Alan


Episode Description: 

What if somebody called you and said the thing you most dreaded to hear: "Everything's gone." Grief, disbelief, fear, uncertainty, and a mix of emotions you cannot identify are even worse than the...

Mar 8, 2021

“It's all about hope. And hope is what carried slaves through the worst discrimination… So hold on to hope because tomorrow shall come.” -Lorez Bailey 

Episode Description: 


What makes leadership harder than it already is? It's when you're caught between being a leader that everybody needs and someone that...

Mar 8, 2021

“Advocate for each other. Come up together and rebuild together.” -Belia Ramos

Communication is a crucial factor in a successful recovery and rebuild project. But with all the chaos, communication is also the first defense to fail. In this episode, Jennifer interviews Napa District Supervisor, Belia Ramos about...